Biblioteca Vasconcelos

Thanks to our Mexican friends who spent the day with us, we got to see Biblioteca Vasconcelos. It’s a fascinating building, and makes me think of something like Tadao Ando meets The Matrix with a hint of pre-Hispanic architecture. Very amazing! It made me once again ponder how highly it seems Mexico regards intellectualism — the old fashioned newspaper reading room we peeked into in Oaxaca, the Focault books prominently displayed in one book store, the wonderful book stores we have seen in D.F, the many great museums.

Biblioteca Vasconcelos is of course more than a library — it’s a statement of the type presidents like to make. But so be it. I prefer presidents make statements like this, rather than a lot of the other types of statements presidents might make.

The architect behind Biblioteca Vasconcelos is the Mexican Alberto Kalach. I say, well done.
